The Butterfly...symbolic

The Butterfly...symbolic

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Different kind of hunger....

Still don't know if I'm writing to you, for you, or if it's more "voyer"? Writing for myself...and you are "lurking" or reading over my shoulder...I read your posts and ... well, yours are both kinds of writing. I'm hungry to understand this whole blogging thing. I'm a bright girl. This experience challenges that confidence, however. When I read your comment...I want to reply to it immediately...but I want it to be hitting "reply" to an email. I also want to be able to add you to a place for follow your blogs easily. I want to add that email option to my profile ( I think that's where it goes?) I'm hearing the old days....wanting 25 years of sobriety/abstinence and all that comes with it, at 30 days! I want to add a second & third "counter" so I can share my food sobriety as well as my GS food day count. Oh,.....I can hear her...addict annie...I want I want I want....I I I it's time to just put out a request for help...Ok... steve...when you have time maybe we can do some of this together. I'm not surprised that I'm liking this blogging idea. I crave "communion" with my fellows, although I must be can so easily become an obsession...I love technology, I love new things and figuring them out, Love success, learning, talking, hearing, reading, connecting, having this computer and the vast possibilities and opportunities it affords....

I'd have none of this if I wasn't sober from drugs alcohol and food sober....eating a weighed commited meal plan that omits all my bingefoods and trigger I am clear headed, aware, willing, commited, grateful, happy, smiling, excited (not the warning kind of excitment on pg 88, but the expectant, vibrant, involved, alive kind of childlike giddy jumping up and down, sometimes inside myself, sometimes outwardly...with great joy). I truly have concern for my fellows and put the time in to being there...much like that which was (and is) given freely to me.

The food thing brought me to my although I honor and cherish my 23 years of sobriety, food sobriety is where it starts for me. That's where I really's who I really am. 24 years ago I was the angriest person I knew, 164 pounds heavier, looked really old for my young 26 year old self and woke up everyday wishing that I hadn't. Thank you Jesus....that it's not like that anymore. God, you are a good God. Thank you for the 12 step way of life. Whatever I did to get the 12 step fellowships...and in the warm firm lap of my Abba Father Daddy God...I'd do it again...go through it again....but by His Grace...I hope I don't have to....


Syd said...

I like what you wrote about being excited about life and being involved. I wrote something about that today as well. I'm glad that you enjoy blogging. It is my electronic journal. Have a great day.

steveroni said...

"Getting to know you"...

Kathy, this blog is well-written. Honest, and up-front writing will endear your blog entries to many, and will be helpful to many more. Please keep it up--but, you are correct.

Blogging, as with anything which is enjoyable, can become compulsive and/or obsessive, not only for us recoverers, but for ANYBODY.

And that "excitement" paragraph I am copying for my 20-minute 'talk' Thursday. Because the word 'excitement' has bothered me--wondering if I am TOO excited about this program, my recovery, my love for everything...EVERYTHING --and I understand more now, no guilt do I need any more--for being excited about AA and about God!

Thank you SO much.

Steve E.