The Butterfly...symbolic

The Butterfly...symbolic

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ten favorite things starting with "J"

Jammies; probably one of my most favorite things in the world
possibly a heightened sense of it as I am on the mend from a cold....

January: My favorite sister is born in this month...we're 11 months for 10 days, she and I are the same age...and that day is coming up soon.

June: school's out in the little town I came from in upstate NY.
Riding home on the bus the whole last week of school, (which btw were half days...ahhhh the memories)I watched as the rides were going up for the annual "Strawberry Festival". What fantastic memories those are...

July: Summer, picnics, drive-in-movies, fire flys, the fourth, swimming, warm summer nights

Jumping: one of my most favorite things on the planet is jumping on a of the two things on my dream list...the other...a horse

Jitter-bug: love to dance. fond memories of high school, never pass up a chance to jitterbug...weddings a must!

Juicy Fruit Gum: of course I don't chew it anymore...but it was a favorite growing up...I can still see smell and taste the stripes...why haven't they made it sugar-free in all these years?

Juke music....remembering the quarter machine on the booth table at "Your Host" restaurants...

Junk stores: whether a dollar store, or Good Will to look for treasures

Jetson's: one of many weekly programs that were fit for wholesome family viewing...remember those days....3 chanels of tv...a show was on once and if you missed it, you missed it

1 comment:

steveroni said...

Kathy, if therehad been expectations, well, you exceeded them! Your group of ten favorite "J" words is well-thought, witty, truthful, and tells something about you as yourself.

Thanks for playing. Good job!

As per our agreement, I honor your wishes to NOT invite people to your blog, and link to it (on my own blog)...but IMO, it is about time to "present" your writing to the recovery community of bloggers which both Anna and I have found here.

No "games" played on here--unless it's called a GAME! Anyway, please let me know. First time, you'd likely receive 5-10 viewers who will comment, and a few others, lurkers, and you will never know who they are. (Something like people who go to meetings for years, and never share -grin!