The Butterfly...symbolic

The Butterfly...symbolic

Monday, January 12, 2009

don't know exactly how to do this...
Steve said it was I will trust...
one of his greatest attractions
I chose this blog name to remind me everyday who and what I am.
I am other things too..
but first and foremost...
I am a FA and IDENMW TYG!

1 comment:

steveroni said...

OH Kathy...I am SO honored (I rushed here to do this!) to be the first to comment on your blog.

Guaranteed: You will have fun--that's FUN! doing this. Give it a week or two maybe and you'll be in FULL swing, have your own 'peeps' and probably won't even catch my dailies any more. But for now, use me as you wish, any questions, no matter how small...etc., etc.
Steve E.